Requesting Data
How To Get Data from i-SPES
We define some terms as follows:
First Party...International Research Center for Space and Planetary Environmental Science (i-SPES), Kyushu University, Japan.
Second Party...A location that is hosting MAGDAS instrument.
Third Party...All others.
Second Party has the privilege to access 1-second
realtime or corrected data of its station or stations.
Second Party also has the privilege to access 1-minute
realtime data of its station or stations.
And Second Party has the privilege to access 1-minute
corrected data of all the stations of the First Party.
Data can be accessed via the ftp site of the First Party.
Third Parties are also invited to use i-SPES data.
However, Third Parties must apply for permission by
completing the "Data Request Form" below. Please complete,
sign, and send to the First Party.
Third Parties are permitted to use 1-minute corrected data
(and 1-second corrected data after 3 years have gone by) from the
First Party. But the Third Party is required to propose some kind of
research collaboration with the First Party because the First
Party reserves the right to make alterations in plans when there
is overlap with the research themes of other Second or Third Parties.
In addition, the Third Party is expected to offer publication co-authorship
to First and relevant Second Parties.
In any case, for the release of 1-second data, priority goes to
First Party and Second Parties. So Third Parties must wait
three years for such data.
Finally, anything is possible if Second and Third Parties
make the effort to negotiate with PI.
If you have a good research plan, please send it to
********************* Data Request Form *********************
TO THE ATTENTION OF Prof. A. Yoshikawa
PI of the MAGDAS Project
Please print very clearly:
Your Name: _____________________________________________
Your Position: _____________________________________________
Your Institute: _____________________________________________
Your telephone or fax number:
(please include country code) ______________________________
Your email address: _________________________________________
Purpose of Request Data:
Please specify your request in this way:
station code (3 characters), and time period (yyyymmdd).
For example:
KUJ, 20051201-20051231
ASB, 20060101-20060110
I agree to conform to all data usage rules of i-SPES.
Your signature ___________________________________________
Fax this completed form to +81-92-802-6240, or send pdf to
Prof. A. Yoshikawa [yoshikawa.akimasa.254(atmark)]
and Dr. Shuji Abe [abeshu(atmark)].
(Please replace (atmark) with " @ ".)
Agreement for using data
Scientists who want to engage in collaboration with i-SPES
should contact the project leader of MAGDAS/CPMN
observations, Prof. A. Yoshikawa, Kyushu Univ., who will
organize such collaborations.
There is a possibility that the PI of MAGDAS will arrange offers
so that there is less overlapping of themes between MAGDAS research groups
Before you use MAGDAS/CPMN data for your papers,
you must agree to the following points;
Before you submit your paper, you must contact the PI
(Prof. A. Yoshikawa: yoshikawa.akimasa.254(atmark) and
discuss authorship.
When you submit your paper after doing the above item 1, you must mention
the source of the data in the acknowledgment section of your paper.
In general, you must use the following references:
Yumoto, K., and the 210MM Magnetic Observation Group, The STEP
210 magnetic meridian network project, J. Geomag. Geoelectr.,
48, 1297-1310., 1996.
Yumoto, K. and the CPMN Group, Characteristics of Pi 2 magnetic
pulsations observed at the CPMN stations: A review of the STEP
results, Earth Planets Space, 53, 981-992, 2001.
Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, MAGDAS project and its application
for space weather, Solar Influence on the Heliosphere and Earth's
Environment: Recent Progress and Prospects, Edited by N. Gopalswamy
and A. Bhattacharyya, ISBN-81-87099-40-2, pp. 309-405, 2006.
Yumoto K. and the MAGDAS Group, Space weather activities at SERC for IHY: MAGDAS,
Bull. Astr. Soc. India, 35, pp. 511-522, 2007.
In all circumstances, if anything is published you must send
a hardcopy to the following address:
Prof. A. Yoshikawa
International Research Center for Space and Planetary Environmental Science,
Kyushu University 53
744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, 819-0395, JAPAN
TEL/FAX:+81-92-802-6240, e-mail: yoshikawa.akimasa.254(atmark)
After check your request, we will send you fax or/and email.
Please wait for a few days.